Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pink Pearl Girl's Migraine World: Pain Medication Does Not Lead to High Risk of Addiction

Pink Pearl Girl's Migraine World: Pain Medication Does Not Lead to High Risk of Addiction


Pam said...

Thanks Jerry!
You've got some good stuff. I added you to my reader so I'll be able to keep up with you.

Health Pain said...

To control the pain we must attend to the specialist because we can give him what is appropriate and what we need, for example I take vicodin which is a medicine used to counter severe pain that I have for years, but I prescribed rioja the doctor, I take it in moderation because I read in which is a medicine that causes anxiety, and we must control it as it can affect your nervous system, and not because it really automediquen could be dangerous.

Anonymous said...

An equipment of the American Hospital of Children of Boston concluded that the high cholesterol levels accelerate the growth of tumors in the prostate, and also that the medicines to reduce to the cholesterol, calls estatina, can inhibit the growth of the prostate cancer, well said by the last findrxonline bill being debated at this time. The findings of the study could help to understand why the prostate cancer is commonest in the West, where the diets tend to be high in cholesterol. The rates of cancer of the prostate in the countryside of China and Japan, where generally the diets are low in fats, are 90% less than in the West. Nevertheless, when Eastern men emigrate towards the West increase the possibilities of being diagnosed with cancer of the prostate. That has lead the doctors to suspect that factors of the environment, like the diet, could play a significant role in the development of the disease.

Anonymous said...

The medicines that are used for bone pain are narcotics findrxonline as opioids such as Vicodin, Lortab, OxyContin, hydrocodone and the doctors that are usually used to combat pain they cause diseases such as homeopathy, fibromyalgia and even cancer In general, these medicines are used mostly is the United States and Europe are controlled because their use can lead to addiction.

Summers said...

I take vicodin and oxycodone for the treatment of this disease because the doctor prescribed me after a thorough examination, seek information and findrxonline logically points out that these medicines should be tightly controlled by its high content of codeine and this makes one induces these opioids the use of these pain medications without a prescription.